Nureet Dermer
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Nureet Dermer is a PhD candidate in the Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a member of the Beyond the Elite research team. She holds a BA in Economics and Accountancy, and was a certified public accountant for ten years before embarking on an MA in Jewish History. Her MA thesis, entitled "The Jews in the Tax Lists (taille) of Late Thirteenth-Century Paris: The Socio-Economic and Cultural Lives of Jewish Men and Women in Christian Neighborhoods," examines socio-economic and gender elements of the everyday lives of Parisian Jews during the last decade of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth centuries. Her PhD, entitled "Between Expulsions: Daily Encounters between Jews and Christians in Northern France,1285-1394," focuses on the everyday socio-economic, legal, and cultural interactions between Jews and Christians in northern France during the calamities of the fourteenth century, and especially in the periods between the three expulsions of Jews from the French realm.