Tamar Nadav

Tamar is in the last year of her PhD in Medieval History at Laboratoire ICT, Univeristé de Paris (France) and the Department of History, University of Haifa (Israel). Her research interests lie in the study of knowledge transfer, intellectual landscapes, and professional identities in the Latin West from the Latin translation movements of the eleventh and twelfth centuries to the scientific revolution. Her PhD focuses on the conflicts that accompanied the introduction of Greco-Arabic medicine into the Latin West in the late eleventh century, and on the emergence of medicine as a learned profession in the following century. In her next project, she will shift her focus to the conflicts that accompanied Latin-to-Hebrew translations of medical texts before and after the transition to print.
Tamar Holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the Sorbonne University in Paris (Paris 1) and an MA in history from Tel Aviv University. She is a Rotenstreich PhD fellow of the Israel Council of Higher Education and a Chateaubriand Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences of the French national agency for the promotion of higher education.